UK Dissertation Forum Forums Dissertation What do I have to do to pass?

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    • #383

      I am at the end of my third year and I can’t take it anymore. My supervisor guides 2 more students and he favors them over me, which has simply f**ked up my life! Those mean, good for nothing brats have made my life a living hell. Those two are doing the project together and I have been on my own, which is totally cool by me. They butter the supervisor, which is also okay. They complain about me, which is also okay. My supervisor keeps on comparing my work with them, which was also okay until recently!

      See, I work 9-5 daily at labs, I report my progress to my supervisor every week which has been quite a challenge, that now, to top it all, he keeps on rejecting my work! Why? Because it’s not as good as theirs. Something is always missing according to him, lack of critical analysis, wrong font, incorrect spacing, why don’t you do it like them?

      I tolerated everything hoping that he will accept my dissertation, but I don’t see it happening, not any time soon! I have worked so hard to be here! So, what should I do to pass?

    • #385
      Matilda Speight

      I am sorry to hear that but why does your supervisor favours the other students? And why do they have problem with you? Have you talked to your supervisor about it?

    • #387
      Katherine Seton

      I didn’t face the same problem as you but I can relate to that. My supervisor was stubborn and non-cooperative. He made everything so difficult! I had to conduct my survey three times to satisfy that old fat imp. I was so stressed that I even thought about quitting my PhD, but then my family supported me and I thought, screw him! He’s not worth my worries!

      Now, I do everything according to him, without bothering myself. I don’t argue. I don’t challenge him. And he’s still a control freak but lenient than before. So, there’s only one thing you can do with people like these, show them your patience!

    • #390

      Thanks for the replies guys!

      I have no problems with them, they are just mean. We didn’t hit it off at the beginning and I don’t know, it never did work out. And I haven’t talked to my supervisor regarding this, I mean what do I say? Stop being partial?

      I am glad I am not alone! I have been patient for almost three years, still he’s rejecting my work. I am again making revisions but I don’t think I can face another rejection.

    • #393
      Matilda Speight

      Yes, that is exactly what you should say! The more you listen to him, the more he’ll impose on you. Try being gentle about it, but don’t shy away. He ought to know what he’s putting you through. I would also suggest that you talk to your fellow students, maybe work it out, you know.

    • #397
      Katherine Seton

      What I have learnt from my experience is that, people like them cannot change, no matter what you say to them. The simple way out is to change yourself and atop bothering. He can only spoil your mood for what? 6 months? After that, you won’t have to deal with him. And even if you’re not able to handle it, then look for people who can! Tell me on what stage are you? You have completed your dissertation right? Which part is he rejecting?

    • #400

      What do you mean by that? What people?

      Well, he’s rejecting my discussion section. According to him, it lacks interpretation and doesn’t answer my research questions and has a poor linkage to previous studies. To be honest, he’s being completely unreasonable!

    • #402
      Katherine Seton

      Okay! By people I meant that there are professional subject matter experts available in the market that can improve your work. If you feel like it, you may contact Priyanka of UK dissertations and opt for their chapter writing services. It’s an organization that undertakes research works of various students. You can just check the link below:

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